Keypad and Room discussion

Today i added a key pad for the exit door. I changed from the previous idea of the door opening once all the tasks were completed. Instead the player goes round the different rooms and completes the tasks looking for numbers to enter into the keypad by the door.  The will be seven numbers that the player needs to look for. On top of each number will  be another number telling them what order that number is. Once they enter the numbers in the keypad the door will open and they can complete the game. The keypad has a clear button and exit button. The issue is that when they try to exit the keypad the game freezes and docent them leave.

I also finished the boiler room. The player can delete the objects with their flashlight now. 

All rooms are now completed along with everything else. I jus need to fix the keypad issue and then it should be near enough done.

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